Monopoly and Nigeria’s valued travel options

By Frank Meke.

What exactly does a frequent flyer look out for while planning a trip. Safety, timelines, on board comfort, ( clean cabin), cheerful crew, and friendliness and most critical front desk staff.

I will possibly tell that the friendliness or otherwise of the front desk ticketing staff, like a mirror, may reveal the entire service ecosystem of an airline, hotel, or any recreational service provider.

Since I am used to sharing my experience and also a self-appointed service policeman, without power to arrest or prosecute infractions, my pen does the work of seeing something and saying it, not putting down the efforts of operators but to help them correct leakages.

There’s something about the service industry around us here that we hardly celebrate or discuss. The multi-million sector is hardly audited and scaled up. We love it when it pleases us and shout to the high heavens when it goes off the hanger, hardly participating in customers’ feedback opportunities. It is just a waste of time. We brush them off, forgetting it is a standard metric to help better our needs and expectations.

Long story cut short, on Wednesday, I flew valuejet airline for the first since its inauguration. From the ground ( checking in ) to take off, it’s quite a new experience for me.

Even though I am used to some horrible ground staff of some airlines, I can’t but take notice of some very exceptional cheerful faces, particularly early in the morning and they helped define this business about being about people and humanity.

The very proud, arrogant person can’t make it in this business. ValueJet added to my new options, and I flew them to and from Abuja last week.

My take is that the airline is time conscious and friendly, and for those airlines pranting landing ecosystems as if the runways are filled with potholes, Valuejet lands as an eagle, flawless, smooth!

If you think monopoly in this business would not allow you to breathe, try value jet. It may provide a valuable travel experience.

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