Nationwide Protest : Military Urges For Caution, Says Security Forces will Not Tolerate Further Violence


The military high Command on Friday urged Nigerians to put an immediate end to the ongoing protests in the country, warning that security forces would not longer tolerate further violence in any part of the country in whatever guise

The Chief of Defence Staff, CDS, General Christopher Musa handed the warning in Abuja while speaking with some selected Broadcast Journalists in Abuja on the position of the military on the the nationwide protests

According to the CDS, ” let us avoid anything that will bring mayhem within our communities. Yesterday, we have seen the level of destruction that were carried just yesterday. And so you can imagine if this continues for so long.

” The armed forces and the entire of the security agencies will not stand by and see that to continue. We want to warn those that are in the house, those that don’t want to listen. We will not fold our hands and see our country destroyed.

” We will take action and the action will be taken professionally. Anyone that is caught will be taken to the courts to be dealt with.”

General Musa also frowned at the live coverages of the violent protests in some parts of the country by all television stations as if they were covering general elections

According to the CDS, ” and again, for the media, I want to also appeal. I noticed throughout yesterday, all the stations were hooked up to the occasion. This is not an election thing.

” We don’t give them that coverage for them to feel. Some of them are looking for just moments of being on the screen. Together, I can assure you, they are going to win.

” And they are winning. At least from today, we have seen the level. It has really gone down.

” Most state governments that decide to declare a state of emergency have called it off. And working together as Nigerians for Nigeria will succeed.

He further explained that “before the protest, based on our interface with the defence headquarters, I believe a lot of intelligence was gathered and analysed.

” Now I want to know, were the security agents overwhelmed or directed the possible outcome of the protest? Well, you know, the security agents cannot be everywhere. And you can just make your predictions to such an extent. The entire area is large.

” You know, Nigeria is about 200, 900, almost 1 million square kilometres. It’s not going to be easy to secure the entire area. But I think yesterday, the security forces actually stood up to their responsibilities.

” And that’s why you see that it is major. And it’s important for them to understand that working together as a team is what we require. The security forces cannot do it alone.

” We need all Nigerians to come together to make sure we succeed. And we stop these criminals from taking advantage. I mean, yesterday we saw some people breaking down houses, stealing windows, doors.

” I mean, it was just crazy yesterday. And we don’t want that to happen again

While appealing for cease fire to allow for peace in the country, the CDS pointed the government at the various levels were already addressing all the challenges facing Nigeria as a Nation and such should not be distracted in the noble course bearing in mind that the present administration was just merely a year in office

According to him, ” the government has actually shown its own commitment by upholding its promise of allowing peaceful protest, I’m sure everyone is disappointed because we are not going to allow further chaos again. Clearly, the security forces have done extremely well

” I’m very happy to mention one, especially the Nigeria Police Force, have shown a lot of professionalism, including where members of the armed forces had to step in. You can see that we have remained very professional in our conduct and we will continue to do that, as long as the citizens also understand that there is a difference between peace and criminality.

” What we saw yesterday was, at the beginning, some semblance of a very peaceful demonstration, but which was quickly taken over by a bunch of criminals that don’t mean us well. And if you remember, we have warned that there are individuals that are ready to cause mayhem once this starts. And so I want to appeal to Nigerians to understand that the federal government is doing the best it can for the country.

“The Federal Government is just one year in office and it is not possible for them to have to solve every financial, economic, security situation within one year. But I’m sure, if we are to be truthful to ourselves. Efforts have been made and have continued to be made.

” And I’ve seen policies that have been made to address the economic situation on the ground, including security situation. Things are improving. We are not where we are, but I can assure you we are heading there.

” And if we have the support of everyone together, we can bring total peace and the economy will grow. Just a few days ago, I was in the Niger Delta to also ensure that our production increases immediately so that we can have enough funds to fund our economy. So I want to call on all Nigerians to understand the government.

” If you have grievances, which I know people have, there are a lot of challenges here. And it’s not only in Nigeria alone. Everywhere in the world is facing one economic or security crisis or the other.

” And so it’s important to understand that we are not alone. But what we can do is not allow criminals, individuals that have lost out, to take advantage of this to destroy our country. We should realize that this destruction we are doing, monies have to be used for replacement.

” Monies for development will have to be used to repair those things so that we can move forward. And so instead of doing that, we should come together, make sure nothing is destroyed. The statement, the message has already been passed to the federal government, state government and local governments.

” The local government autonomy is already in place. The president has allowed for the local government to have direct funding from the federal government. That will also assist.

” Please, Nigerians should look up to their local governmen8t, their state governments. The federal government is doing its best. Everybody is putting their hands on the decks to address the challenges

” We know we are challenged as a nation. But we know we will overcome, working together as Nigerians. I want to appeal once again for the support of all Nigerians, the federal government, the state government and local governments.

” Let us avoid anything that will bring mayhem within our communities. Yesterday, we have seen the level of destruction that were carried just yesterday. And so you can imagine if this continues for so long.”


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