NANTA flavour at World Travel Market: A Virtual Guide .

By Frank Meke

Mrs ibiwari kemabonta heads the training faculty, National Association of Nigeria Travel Agencies ( NANTA).; ,Nigeria’s biggest travel trade professionals body. In this piece shared with me ( Frank Meke) , Mrs kemabonta detailed great insights into what NANTA delegates should do in London during the biggest travel and tourism trade exhibition, starting November 3rd, 2024.

Back to back in the past two years, it’s no longer news nanta has led from the front in giving Nigeria a voice at the global travel and tourism event and again this year , the association led by Yinka Folami, will headline a new approach to the business of trade investment, enquiries, collaboration, representation and marketing of Nigeria cultural tourism potentials despite the challenges in our economy which the association wish to turn into an economic advantage .

Indeed, Mrs kemabonta believes that those seeking opportunities for pleasure and recreation have no business being part of this nanta wtm zion train. Why, you may ask? Nanta focal attention and vision is to prepare its members to scale up their trade knowledge power and channel critical growth expectations that reflect refreshing breakthroughs on profits, bench marking global tourism reach, and connections.

Susan Akporiaye, the immediate past president of nanta who gave birth to nanta’s global sensitization and response to travel and tourism trade opportunities, is guiding the strategic engagement with Mrs. (Pastor) Chinyere Umeasiegbu, Nanta first national deputy president, fine-tuning departure, arrival, and other logistics commitments and services for registered nanta delegates to the London trade event.

Beginning from tomorrow, Mrs ibiwari uloma kemabonta and her team will power virtual training sessions to prepare the nanta wtm team for a sustainable return on investment for participating in the event, a deep thought out intervention by an exceptional association where the future survival of its membership counts. Let us read through Mrs. kemabonta contributions and insights.

According to Mrs ibiwari uloma kemabonta

“Attending WTM is a business investment that should yield a defined result within a set time frame for your business. To achieve this, the following strategies may be considered:

1.0. Pre- Travel Activities-
1.1. Set out clear objectives for attending WTM 2024. Is this for business or pleasure? It certainly should be business otherwise you can as well wait and travel to London for the Christmas holidays which is just about 2 months away🤣!

So here are a few questions to ask as guide to you during the stage of setting of your objectives:

A. What product- (and, yes, your service is a product if you have mastered the art of productizing your service), do I want to market to my identified potential clients at WTM. Your answer may be related to revenue growth objective on a particular product.

B. What connections do I want to make to expand my market base? Which destinations am I looking to send clients to in the next 3 to 6 months? What particular product do I want to introduce to my home client? These may address connection or business growth objectives.

C. Is my target to connect with global aggregators or tech companies or companies seeking for out-of- country representatives or General Sakes Agent (GSAs)? This would address global visibility and or innovation objectives.

1.2. Plan your travel- visa, flight, insurance and other arrangements. Catch up with the trend on the NANTA delegates travel group platform.

1.3. Draw up a Personalized WTM Attendance plan which will include booked appointments to meet with target exhibitors(consider between 1-20) identified in 1.0 above, booked workshops, seminars and conference sessions(between 1-5), networking events eg (WTM Buyers Club) and destinations presentation(1-2). Note these can be spread across the 3 days.

Again these would have been identified in 1.0 above. Your schedules should show times and should be in such a way that the times do not clash. You can also plan to host business meetings on NANTA stand if you are able to work out the modalities with the NANTA logistics team. To help you do this subscribe to an advert option on the NANTA magazine for WTM that way, you can boldly say you are an exhibitor to those you meet with on the WTM floor!

1.4. Put together a small Company Marketing Kit (CMK)- company profile, fact sheet or a travel package. The least will be your business card. Ensure your agency has a functional website listed and an active social media presence. Most contacts would check you out on the spot.

1.5 Promote your anticipated participation at the largest global travel trade event. Your home client would begin to respect you and look forward to your updates.

1.6 Pack right.

  • pack your gears and steeze wears 🤣to represent your country and your brand.

-wear comfortable shoes, there’s certainly a lot if walking to do.

-ensure you have warm clothing for commuting (WTM venue is usually warm) but outside would be cold. So plan for that.

  • plan to go with travel digital gadgets and accessories, eg portable charger and charging cable, camera etc

-do not forget your meds, your hot chilli or bittercola🤣

  1. 0 WTM Event

Execute plans in 1.0 above.

2.2. Network strategically- listen, and position yourself as a solution (be mindful here though. Offer a solution only if you know you can do it).

Have a notepad with you, physical or digital. Take notes of discussions, interactions, new and emerging trends.

Use the WTM app to navigate the venue, track your planned events including meetings, or schedule more, meetings if need be.

2.3. Promote yourself right on the floor of WTM.

Document your participation and share on your social media platforms. (Reels and short videos are great). If possible, get shout-outs from partners you have met. Tag each other. This will make your home client pick more interest in you.

If you have offers you have negotiated or are possible, promote them. For example, if you have reached a partnership agreement with a Tanzania DMC who has a Christmas package, you can begin promoting it there and then on social media with a post like: “Who is ready for Tanzania this Christmas?” That would promote the package right there from the floor of WTM.

Consider going live on Facebook or Instagram, recording creative videos, reels, using trending WTM hashtags, etc, on your posts. Also, share updates on your WhatApp status and Facebook stories.

2.4 Design a strategy to keep the contact cards you collected each day safe. If you have a card conversion app, use it. I usually would also arrange batches of cards on my bed or table and take a picture of them each day.

2.5 Participate in a pre – or post city tour event. These may be paid tours but usually do not cost a fortune. The tour helps you with destination knowledge and gives you more content to post. An interesting narrative of the London Bridge and the magnificent view of Buckingham Palace would certainly hold your followers ( who may also be your clients) spellbound.


3.1. Review notes and materials received.

3.2. Send follow-up emails and LinkedIn requests to contacts made. Begin to engage with their posts on social media.

3.3 Continue with the social media promoton blitz of your attendance. It can be themed eg the WTM London experience – “5 key things you must do to enjoy the ….”

3.4. Begin to harvest connections by converting them to outcomes and ROI.

3.5. Promote NANTA and its leadership for providing this global platform for its members. You can donate generously to NANTA projects🤣!

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