He possibly needs no introduction. As a student at Victory College Ikare where he graduated with a Division 1 in 1978, he was a celebrated footballer and nemesis to several keepers. He also played for University of Ibadan where he read Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Gani Enahoro was a former National President, Veterinary Medicine Association of Nigeria,former President, African Veterinary Medicine Association, Chairman,Policy Committee of the World Veterinary Association, Board member, Veterinary Council of Nigeria and Senior Advisor, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations.

A prolific and celebrated columnist in some national newspapers in the country, Dr. Enahoro who just finished his term as Chairman of University of Ibadan Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Association is preparing to lead the Victory College,Ikare Old Students Association (VICOSA). He spoke to our education correspondent. Excerpt:
Q: Tell us about yourself.
A: My name is Dr. Gani Enahoro . You all gave me the nickname Enabobo! Am a Veterinary Surgeon with very wide experiences in public health. I have done a lot of academic researches to advance the body of knowledge in my profession, such as determining some biochemistry fasting blood glucose reference values in dogs around the South South region of Nigeria where I work. I have also been National President, Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Vice President African Veterinary Association, and the first Nigerian to serve as Councillor for Africa at the World Veterinary Association, where I became the Chairman, Policy Committee of the Global body, despite been the only black in their midst. Am currently working as Senior Advisor with Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. I currently also serve as Board member, Veterinary Council of Nigeria. I have my brief profile out there on the platforms detailing my background and past engagements including my days between 1973-78 as a student of our famous VCI.

Q: • How do you fit the qualifications for this position?
A: I have over the past 20 years been managing organisations similar in character to VICOSA as first among equals, with members having common sentiments, rights and privileges, despite diversities like their years of graduation, age and resources. So I do not expect any shock beyond my absorptive capacity serving VICOSA as National President. I have a very recent experience serving successfully as Founding EXCO Chairman of Ibadan Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Association , I handed over a few weeks back and the event was streamed live and could still be tracked on youTube if interested.
Q: • Why are you interested in this position?
A: Simply put, the love of school is a propelling factor and because I have the capacity to offer credible leadership that would build more on the fortunes of VICOSA relying on my exposures and recent experiences. I am a bridge builder, always close to the youth, my mates and my seniors. I am not tribalistic, am patient, tolerant of all views and I have no baggage whatsoever on my necks. I served VCI as a student intensely with my blood and football skills and now am ready to serve again with my leadership skills acquired locally and globally.

Q: • How have you prepared yourself for this position?
A: I am a very busy person, but also very organised. How I wished that VICOSA Constitution permitted just a year tenure like it is done in the Lions Clubs where I served as President in the past. Anyway, trust me when I choose to do anything I readjust myself and my diary to accommodate my responsibilities. I can promise now that I will be available to my duties if elected as National President just for a single tenure. I commend Prof Michael Faborode and his team for hanging on for 8 years 😳, and am surprised that some are already rolling over or attempting to roll over into a new EXCO……doing what? Anyway, they say it is different strokes for different folks. For me, organisational growth is better when a breath of fresh air is allowed into the system for others to show their stuff rather than a sit-down syndrome that will only lead to stagnant ideas and diminishing returns.
Q: • Why should members vote you?
A: VCI and VICOSA will tremendously benefit my leadership and I have offered myself to serve willingly as National President VICOSA out of personal conviction to give back to my alma mater again at this time, no one has put a gun on my head literally speaking 😁😁. I possess the capacity needed for our growth, I am tested and have passed in similar positions, and by God’s grace I will succeed more for VICOSA. Just wait and see.

Q: • What do you know about Victory college present situation?
A: The Principal Pastor Ajimuda is in close touch with me and we grew up in the same neighbourhood, although he was by far my junior. He was at AkoGrams and we used to disgrace them in football 🤣, he was my fan in those days and very fond of the Enabobo brand. As recent as last week, we had a long discussion and I dispatched an emissary in advance of the anniversary to look at the state of affairs of the school. So am in the know of what we need to do as Alumni Association.
Q: • What are your personal goals?
A: For VICOSA, I will consider my leadership as a project to restore the old glory of VCI that gave us a peculiar national outlook, and escalate the brand beyond our shores where we have so many members quietly waiting for the right time and persons they will trust to deploy their resources for the benefits of our school.
Q: What do you see yourself doing two years from now to move us forward?
A: By God’s grace, two years from now will be the time for another round of elections and I would be handing over to a new President who would be happy to receive a masterplan for growth that my EXCO would have satisfactorily started. Q: • How long do you think you’d be able to balance this position with your carrier and profession ? A: This question does not apply to me…am at the zenith of my career and profession. I work at my pace today.
Q: • How long have you been in the leadership of this association?
A: Am the Vice Chairman of my 1978 Set and very actively involved with all that the set had been invited to take part in, through donations and contributions to levy. I was the MC/ anchorman for the elaborate 40th year reunion party/activities that took place in 2018.
Q: What are your personal contribution to develop the school and VICOSITE ?
A: I will like to answer this question philosophically. The fact that you listed both school and VICOSITE tells the fact that our contributions must be viewed against the continuum that started from our studentship into VICOSA and until we die . Anything short of such understanding would be shallow and uncharitable. As a student, it is a known fact that I was part of the great name that VCI earned through sports, even when we were all sent by our parents to go and read our books in school. Such contributions must never be taken lightly and for granted. It was part of the continuum. If I win as President, another opportunity to contribute to the growth of school and VICOSITES will be open again and these are all invaluable contributions. Others have come along within the spectrum to do various things, based on the information that got to them and the resources they possessed. We also recognise such efforts as commendable. No one sacrifice surpasses any other because choices existed. What we have, we should give and they should never be diminished. It would be very cheap of anyone to look at contributions and sacrifices to our growth in terms of monetary values alone or just a part of the continuum, No that will not take us anywhere. Before the chicken comes an egg.
Q: 9 one of the outgoing Exco, what can you say regarding national VICOSA projects from the beginning or the tenure and how have you positively contributed to make things happen?
A: The question does not apply to me.
Q: what’s your plans to improve things ?
A: Wait for my manifesto that will be released soon.