The President of Coalition of Societies for the Rights of Older Persons In Nigeria, COSROPIN, Senator Dr. Eze Ajoku, OFR, has described the launch of a book titled “The Naija Seniors Caregiver’s Essential Handbook” as a good initiative towards advancing the wellbeing of older persons in the country.
Speaking during the virtual launch of the book written by Mrs Busola Shogbamimu of Marian Akintola Senior Citizen Care Home, Senator Ajoku said the book would also enhance the knowledge of Caregivers on best practices on older persons welfare.
“I am truly honoured to be asked as the President of COSROPIN to launch this online ground breaking initiative by Mrs Busola Shogbamimu of Marian Akintola Senior Citizen (MASC) Care Home Initiative that holds the power to transform lives as the Book- The Naija Seniors Caregiver’s Essential Handbook written by her could not have come at a more appropriate time as COSROPIN and the Nation is gearing up to provide better care and amenities for our older persons” He stated.
According to him, in a society that values its elders, it is only fitting that we gather here to recognize and celebrate the selfless individuals who dedicate their time, love, and care to our seniors—the unsung heroes.
. “We are introducing a tool today that will empower and assist us all in this admirable job of providing care for our senior citizens, making it a historic occasion for COSROPIN and its member organisation who in their different thematic areas are continuously working hard quietly to improve the health and social care of our older and vulnerable persons” Senator Ajoku explained.
In his words” I must note that, without the work of our members, older person’s care would have been next to nothing in spite of Government pronouncement that are just on paper and the Naija Seniors Caregiver’s Essential Handbook is more than just a manual—it is evidence of our dedication to the welfare of Nigeria’s elderly population and it is an all-inclusive tool that has been painstakingly designed to offer helpful advice, counselling, healthy living tips and important knowledge to people who take on the duty of looking after our older persons and it’s an handbook for every household, providing the essentials of catering”.
The President of COSROPIN stressed that the handbook is more
than just pages and words; it is a symbol of solidarity within our communities care system. It recognizes the challenges faced by caregivers and seeks to alleviate their burdens by offering insights, resources, and a sense of community support. As we launch this handbook, we are affirming our collective commitment to creating a society where caregivers are respected, supported, and equipped with the tools they need to provide the best care possible.
“Within the pages of the Naija Seniors Caregiver’s Essential Handbook, caregivers will find information on health and wellness, legal considerations, emotional well-being, and practical caregiving tips. It is our sincere hope that this handbook becomes an indispensable companion for caregivers, offering guidance and solace during both the joys and challenges of their noble journey” He pointed out.
He therefore commended Caregivers for their dedication and sacrifice because according to him they are the backbone of communities, and through their compassion, they are shaping a better future for senior citizens..
“As we launch this handbook, let it serve as a reminder of the importance of fostering a culture of respect and support for caregivers. Let it be a call to action for all of us to contribute to creating an environment where caregivers feel valued and acknowledged and as we also know, many care givers have Jappad leaving a vacuum of support to the vulnerable group in the country. We hope this book in the hands of many will provide the baseline for understanding of caregivers and by it, more people will be interested in providing care” He emphasized.
Senator Ajoku equally commended all those who have contributed to the creation of the Naija Seniors Caregiver’s Essential Handbook especially the author Mrs Busola Shogbaminu.
” Your dedication to the cause of older persons in Nigeria is commendable. Thank you, and let us embrace this new chapter in our mission to uphold the rights, wellbeing and dignity of older persons and those who care for them. @nd together, we can build a society that cherishes and supports every stage of life” the President of COSROPIN added.

In a remark, the Author of the book, Mrs Busola Shogbamimu said the book was bore out of the need to ensure effective and better care for tl older persons in the country.
Mrs Busola Shogbamimu advised Caregivers to take advantage of the book in improving their services towards boosting their performance in the care of older persons.
Some of the Caregivers and Stakeholders who spoke during the virtual book launch advocate more measures towards the welfare of older persons in the country.
While commending the Author for a job well done they also stressed the need for better renumeration for Caregivers in view of the nature of their job