NSCDC Empowers Top Officers Of NHFSS On Leadership Training, Tasks Them On Effective Organisational Management

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps , NSCDC has trained about three hundred key officers of the Nigeria Hunter and Forest Security Service, NHFSS, on Leadership Skills and Organizational Management.

The beneficiaries of the four days Capacity Workshop are from the ranks of Assistant Commanders, Commanders, Assistant Commanders General, ACG and Deputy Commander General DCG including the Commander General, CG of NHFSS

Speaking during the Capacity Workshop held at NSCDC Headquarters in Sauka Abuja, the Commander General of NHFSS, Ambassador Dr Joshua Wole Osatimehin said the essence of the training workshop is to enhance the capacity of NHFSS operatives being render in public service.

Ambassador Osatimehin who said the training which would be a continuous one stated that the move would also go a long way in enhancing the productivity of officers and men of NHFSS towards strengthening the security of lives and property most especially in forests accross the country.

While reiterating his commitment to training and retraining of officers and men of NHFSS, the Commander General explained that the capacity workshop was also to enable the Service contribute to realization of President Bola Tinubu’s renewed hope agenda in the area of security.

“Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, has over the years being rendering necessary security training to NHFSS to enable the Service be abreast with current strategies on intelligence gathering, security tips, mode of conduct among others in line with the best international security standard towards safeguarding the country from crimes and criminality most especially in the ungoverned space which the forests nationwide ” He emphasized.

The Commander General therefore advised the participants to take what they have learnt during the four days Capacity Workshop to their State Commands and Structures by replicating the gains of the training on their junior officers most especially in the 774 Local Government Areas towards realizing the objectives of the workshop .

In a paper presentation entitled “Effective Report Writing Incidence And Security Enhancement In The Place Of Duty” a Deputy Corps Commandant in NSCDC, DCC Emord Sealer described effective report writing as key to enhancing Security in the country

He therefore advised beneficiaries of the capacity workshop to reciprocate the gesture through efficiency in their various duty posts.

Also in his paper presentation “First Aid In The Duty Of Service ” a Retired Military Officer, Major General Aro Peters stressed the need for officers and men of NHFSS to be aware of what is expected of them during emergency situation.

Other lectures and paper presentation during the Workshop included Dress Code, Discipline, Security Tips and Identifying Security Threat and Risk among others.

Some of the participants commended the Commander General of NHFSS, Ambassador Osatimehin and the NSCDC for updating and improving their security knowledge for optimal performance

They therefore promised to reciprocate the gesture by impacting the gains of the workshop on their colleagues towards realizing the objectives of NHFSS.

Highlight of the Capacity Workshop was presentation of certificates to the participants and NHFSS Awards on Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State and T & T Officer Victor Linus Akpabio as the Best Traffic Warden of the Year.

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