ITF Registers 522,778 Artisans For Its SUPA Programme

The Industrial Training Fund, ITF, says it has so far registered 522,778 Artisans under its Skill Up Artisan, SUPA, Programme

The Director General of ITF, Dr. Afiz Oluwatoyin -Ogun made this known in Abuja during a Joint Press Conference with the Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria, CIPMN.

Dr. Oluwatoyin -Ogun said the Artisans were registered under 20 trade areas and out of the number, 319,467 are male, while 203,309 are female.

According to him, Plateau State has the highest registration, which is 53,133 representing 10.17% of all registered artisans, Kano follows closely with 43,239 registered Artisans representing 8.27% of total registration.

“By geopolitical zones, the North-West has the highest registration with 141,378, representing 27.04% of all registration, followed by the North Central with 137,761, representing 26.35% of total registration while the South-South has the least registered artisans with just 35,544 representing just 6.79% of total registration” He stated.

In his words”ITF is currently in robust discussions with Niger Delta Development Commission and the outcome of those discussions will significantly change this trajectory and please note that registration is still open and we stand by our commitment to train every registered artisan”.

The Director General of ITF highlighted areas of Artisans training to include plumbing and pipe fitting,
Painting and Decoration,
Electrical Installation
Welding and Fabrication
Carpentry and Joinery
Iron Steel Reinforcement
Plaster of Paris
Cutting & Sewing
Animal Husbandry
Poultry Farming
Crop Production
Post Harvest
Auto Mobile Mechanic
Information & Communication Technology.

“Furthermore, the training under SUPA in these above listed trade areas, is designed to achieve several goals which include; improving the knowledge base of the artisan and familiarize him with modern practices, tools and work standards in tandem with internation best practices. entrench professionalism in the practice of their very trades as artisans.improve the capacity of artisans to manage each task as a project and optimize both the outcome delivered to the customer and income gained. instil patriotism and national pride in artisans who must see themselves as ambassadors of Nigeria wherever they find themselves and showcasing the nation’s skilled manpower as its pride” Dr Oluwatoyin -Ogun stressed.

“For SUPA 1, CIPMN working with us, has developed the curriculum for Project Management certification, a private sector player, Prime Atlantic which is a foremost Health and Safety Trainer in Nigeria is working with us on the Curriculum for Industrial Health and Safety, while we internally, working with artisan organizations have developed the curriculum for Professional Ethics and Patriotism and for SUPA 2, the trainings are being designed to conform to International Standards for Classification of Occupations by our partnering International Awarding Bodies” He emphasized .

Dr Oluwatoyin -Ogun explained that each of the trainee would be paid a stipend every month to support transportation and they would also be provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Training materials amongst other.

The Director General emphasized that the collaboration with CIPMN is a game changer in the practice of artisanry in Nigeria and beyond elevating the practice and professionalizing artisanry, it provides the artisan with the critical knowledge he needs to organize his work and craft which is required for him to be successful in life. The Nigerian artisan by this collaboration and upon passing the requisite examination becomes a certified Project Manager and a member of CIPMN in a special category.

In a remark, the Registrar, Chartered Institute of Project Managers of Nigeria, CIPMN, Mr Henry Mbadiwe promised to support ITF towards realizing the set objectives of its SUPA programme.

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