Adeyemi College has Capacity to Compete with many Universities
Former TETFUND Executive Secretary
16 October 2018
The Executive Secretary, Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), Dr. Abdullahi Bichi- Baffa, has described Adeyemi College of Education, (ACE), Ondo, as the institution that has the cleanest TETFUND expenditure record among beneficiary institutions in Nigeria.
Dr. Baffa made the statement during the commissioning of four TETFUND funded projects in the institution on Tuesday 16 October 2018. He lauded the outgoing Provost of the institution, Prof. Olukoya Ogen for exhibiting financial discipline, honesty and transparency during his tenure in the College.
Dr. Baffa noted that the placement of the College on right footing and exhibition of purposeful leadership by Prof. Ogen enabled the institution to occupy number one position as, “the institution that has the cleanest TETFUND expenditure record among beneficiary institutions in Nigeria.”
“There is something else we know that you don’t know because we are the ones sending the money and the one following how it is being utilised, we are the one taking account and doing auditing and finding out how the expenditure is made. I want to tell you that the cleanest TETFUND expenditure records among our beneficiary institutions, is that of Adeyemi College of Education” he stated.
His words: “It is not common to see a head of institution in Nigeria completing his or her tenure and being celebrated by the very constituency that he or she led. In many circumstances, before the tenure ends, you will take escape route and run away. Also in some instances, it sometimes turns out to be rancorous transition accompanied with abuses and petitions. But here, it is very clear that there is a purposeful leadership that carries everyone along, respect rules and regulations of the institution and also very conversant and familiar with what is needed to drive the institution forward”.
The ACE Governing Council Chairman. Prof. Nath Ohazurike also congratulated the outgoing Provost of the College, Prof. Olukoya Ogen for providing quality leadership and ensuring judicious utilisation of funds allocated to the institution.
In his address of welcome, the outgoing Provost of the College, Prof. Olukoya Ogen, described the institution as unique and stated that in the last four years of his administration, ” our college have scored quite a number of successes and ranked number one among Colleges of Education and other higher institutions in Nigeria”.
Prof. Ogen lauded the contributions of TETFUND to the development of the institution especially in the area of human capacity development saying ” since I came on board, we have produced over 70 PhDs here, presently we have close to 150 PhDs on campus, these are monumental achievements” he remarked.

He described Adeyemi College
of Education, Ondo, as a centre
o f e x c e l l e n c e a n d c i t a d e l o f
l e a r n i n g t h a t c a n f a v o u r a b l y
complete with many universities.
Dr. Baffa made the statement
w h i l e s p e a k i n g o n Tu e s d a y,
16th October, 2018 during the
conferment of College Fellowship
award on him and commissioning
of TETFund-sponsored projects
Four projects funded by TETFUND
w e r e c o m m i s s i o n e d b y t h e
Executive Secretary. They were
Ultra-Modern College Health Centre,
School of Languages Office Complex,
Blocks of Classrooms known as
Y-Blocks and a 500-seater Lecture
The former TETFUND boss described
Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo
as an institution rich in learning and
culture, adding that the “liberal
intellectual tradition, for which the
College is known to respect is being
helped by quality leadership. “.
He lauded the outgoing Provost of
the institution, Professor Olukoya
Ogen for exhibiting financial discipline,
honesty and transparency during his
Dr. Baffa noted that the placement
of the College on a right footing an