In the world of media and journalism, where words can build bridges or burn them, it becomes imperative to uphold facts, dignity, and professionalism. The recent commentary, “Who Wants to Set the FCT NUJ Ablaze,” unfolds as a classic case of misinformation, one that seeks to undermine the achievements and resilience of the NUJ FCT Council. As the saying goes, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.” Now, let’s lace up and set the record straight.
The article paints an image of chaos, alleging that the recent Congress was infiltrated by a “rented crowd” made up of so-called “beer gulpers” and “marijuana smokers.” This derogatory claim is nothing more than a cheap shot aimed at discrediting the council members and the diverse, respected professionals who make up our ranks. How convenient that those once seen as pillars of loyalty are now recast as miscreants, all because the winds of fortune have shifted. The idea that these professionals suddenly became hired troublemakers is akin to accusing a gardener of plotting against his own flowers—a laughable notion, if not so deeply insulting.
The accusations go further, suggesting that supporters of a particular candidate plotted to hijack the meeting, bringing bottles and weapons. However, evidence is conspicuously absent. Instead, these sensational claims bear the hallmark of desperate storytelling, where a dramatic narrative is prioritized over verifiable facts. “Empty barrels make the loudest noise,” and it appears that noise is being used to distract from the genuine accomplishments of the council.
The criticism directed at the newly constituted Credentials Committee reveals a selective understanding of democracy. The committee’s decision to elect its officers independently reflects not only a respect for our democratic processes but also an unwavering commitment to fairness and transparency. It is rich with irony that those who claim to value democracy suddenly bristle when it does not bend to their will. The parable of the sour grapes comes to mind here, where the real grievance is not procedural missteps but outcomes that fail to satisfy personal ambitions.
Biblical analogies are sprinkled liberally throughout the original write-up, likening committee members and supporters to villainous figures such as Nebuchadnezzar and Dagon. Yet, these references fall flat when scrutinized. Just as the ark of integrity stands firm, the NUJ FCT Council remains a sanctuary of ethical journalism. The story of King Solomon and the true mother serves as a poignant reminder: those who genuinely care for the union would never risk tearing it apart. The Credentials Committee, in its wisdom, acts as a guardian, ensuring that the union’s integrity is preserved.
The notion that the National Secretariat is complicit in a scheme to destabilize the council is speculative at best, and inflammatory at worst. The union has always operated with an eye toward unity, not division. The comparison to King Solomon’s wisdom should extend to understanding that the real goal is to nurture, not destroy. It is a peculiar form of criticism to attack the very body that has safeguarded the union’s interests and upheld the principles of its amended constitution.

Now, let’s address the allegation of selective constitutional application. The writer decries a supposed preference for Article 4 over Article 3, implying an inconsistency that does not hold up under scrutiny. The interpretation of constitutional provisions must always be contextual and holistic. Just as one cannot cherry-pick laws to suit a narrative, one cannot twist constitutional guidelines to serve a fleeting agenda. As any true scholar of governance would know, constitutional interpretation is a nuanced art, not a blunt instrument wielded in the service of ego.
What is truly disconcerting is the veiled threat that those who disagree are poised to “pull down the entire NUJ structure.” This rhetoric, laced with ominous undertones, does more to destabilize than any purported actions of the Credentials Committee. Wise elders, as the article rightly reminds us, do not burn down the clan simply because their views are challenged. It is time for all parties to adopt a mindset of constructive engagement rather than resort to divisive tactics.
President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s approach to governance, marked by inclusivity and national healing, should serve as a model for us all. His appointment of individuals across the political spectrum demonstrates a profound understanding of leadership that transcends personal vendettas. The NUJ FCT Council, too, embodies this spirit, striving to represent diverse interests while upholding the highest standards of professionalism. If President Tinubu can extend a hand across party lines for the good of the nation, surely we can extend a hand within our ranks for the good of our union.
In closing, let us remember that the NUJ is built on the foundations of journalistic integrity, fairness, and accountability. The Credentials Committee, operating within the bounds of our constitution, is working to ensure a transparent and credible electoral process. It is the duty of all members to respect this process and the decisions that arise from it. As the adage goes, “When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.” The Credentials Committee has friends in those who value truth and democratic principles.
To the skeptics and critics, we extend not disdain but an invitation: join us in building a stronger, more united NUJ. Together, we can weather any storm, guided by the light of integrity and the shared mission of advancing the noble profession of journalism.
Emmanuel Osuagwu
Public Affairs Analyst